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洛杉磯台美商會「Taiwanese-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles」簡稱為TACCLA,為一非營利組織,創會於1980年,迄今已歷40寒暑。由於時序的遞嬗及累積,商會不斷的成長發展,在南加州,以及全美,都是頗有聲譽及規模的社團。


Taiwanese-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles (TACCLA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1980 with 40 years of rich history. In the last three decades since its founding, TACCLA has evolved and grown into the reputable and sizable organization as the community know today.




To encourage second generation Taiwanese Americans to be involved in chamber of commerce activities and understand the need to countinue the traditions of TACCLA, gain the ability to thrive by adapting to the ever-changing times through integrating its value and objectives to the prevailing social environment, TACCLA created Taiwanese-American Junior Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles (TJCCLA) with the aforementioned goals and the ultimate objective of passing down the torch to the next generation of abled leaders. TJCCLA was initiated by Honorary TACCLA President Dr. Tom Lee and founded in 2000 by Honorary TJCCLA Presidents Mr. Paul Chen and Ms. Lynn Wen.




The objectives of TJCCLA are as follows: 


1. 由來自台灣或父母親來自台灣及洛杉磯台美商會暨以21歲至40歲在洛杉磯就業(含轉業中)之男女青年商會組織, 目的在於培育台商第二代或新一代台灣青年菁英, 加強青年台商組織融入洛杉磯僑居社會主流團體。


1. A youth business networking organization for young Taiwanese professionals and entrepreneurs between age 21 and 40 who are based in Greater Los Angeles Area and either are from Taiwan, or are Children of migrants from Taiwan or member of Taiwanese Amerian Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles (TACCLA). TJCCLA as an organization aims to nurture and prepare the second generation of Taiwanese American business owners and the new generation of Taiwanese American professionals, furthering the process of integrating youth Taiwanese business organizations to mainstream American social organizations.


2. 培育台商第二代青年菁英或新一代青年台商,發揮青年台商企業家之領導才能及管理能力,提升企業競爭力,使台商會傳承,永續發展。作為連結海外台商第二代或新一代青年台商與台灣之橋樑,增進對台灣之瞭解與支持,並延續、促進與台灣之經貿人脈關係。


2. TJCCLA is committed to educating and developing the leadership and managerial skills of the new generation of Taiwanese professionals and entrepreneurs, enhancing and strengthening their company competitiveness, so they can be qualified candidates to carry on the legacies of Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce. TACCLA serves as a bridge between second generation overseas Taiwanese business leaders or the new generation of young Taiwanese entrepreneurs. With the hope of increasing and improving their understandings of Taiwan so to garner their much needed supports for Taiwan, resulting in a continuous process of building these Taiwanese business leaders and professionals, ultimately creating a solid network of economic and trade relations with Taiwan.


3. 加強青年台商組織融入台美商會會務,並透過本會熟悉商會相關組織運作。 推廣正當的商業交流及假日休閒活動,使青年台商成員在商會之組織系統內,有其歸屬感。同時,可透過組織,加強聯誼,建立事業夥伴,促進商機,開拓國際市場。


3. TJCCLA reinforces the effort of grooming members to be involved in TACCLA affairs through increasing members’ familiarity of relevant internal operations within the organization. Aside from that, TJCCLA also promotes positive commercial networking and recreational activities, so the young chamber of commerce members may find a sense of belonging within the organization. Furthermore, TJCCLA can also strengthen the bond between members and lead to creation of more meaningful business partnerships and business opportunities that will result in new frontiers in the global market.




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